Changing ADDRESS for this Blog!!!

Hello all.  I just wanted to briefly let you know that this blog will continue, it will just continue at a different location!!!


From now on please find this blog and all its old posts as well as new ones will be posted directly on my new website,  Please go there and bookmark the “Success Blog” page.


Thank you so much!  You will love it there…its a great neighborhood!!! 🙂

Changing ADDRESS for this Blog!!!

How to be More Self-Disciplined

Is self-discipline something that is foreign to you?  Do you struggle to do the things necessary to attain your goals?  Do you want to be more successful in all areas of life moving forward?  If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this article is for you!

Anyone can dream.  Anyone can set a goal.  It is likely safe to say that just about everyone wants to be successful in just about every area of life you can think of at any given moment.  So what is the secret, or at least one of the secrets to actually getting what you want out of life?  One of the big ones is that of self-discipline.

All the best thought out plans in the world will never amount to much if we lack the discipline it takes to do the work to achieve them.  Self-discipline is little more than doing what needs to be done, even when you don’t want to do it!

How do you get to be self-disciplined?  Fortunately, it is a habit, and as I have discussed in other articles, habits are learned through simple repetition.  We need to get in the habit of forcing ourselves to do that which needs to be done, especially when we don’t want to do whatever the task is.  The more we can control our will and make ourselves do the uncomfortable or difficult or unglamorous things that must be done in order to gain success, the faster we will achieve those things that are most important to us.

It is probably safe to say that most people want to be healthy and physically fit.  The trouble is that most people aren’t willing, or self-disciplined enough to eat right, exercise and do all the things necessary to follow a productive routine.  The more we can force ourselves to eat healthier foods and stick to a basic exercise routine and then build on it over time, the better off we will be.  Remember, habits are formed or established in as little as 28 days!

You might want to consider avoiding jumping head first into some crazy and massive routine.  Start small.  Maybe conquering your self-discipline giant in the area of health might be as simple as drinking enough water everyday.  Disciplining yourself to replace soft drinks and other sugar filled beverages in favor of plain water will likely be a bit tricky at first, but as you master that habit, you will start feeling better in no time.  Likely, it wont be long before you can add a 20 to 30 minute walk everyday to your routine.  Incrementally, you can eat a more balanced diet, add stretching and weight lifting routines to your daily routine and before you know it, you will be well on your way to the new you!

This, of course, can apply to finances, marital relations, work ethic and every other area of life where self-discipline is crucial.

For more information on how you can overcome challenges and become more successful, please visit my newly launched website.  There you will find some great videos from my YouTube channel, other blogs and you can even grab a copy of my latest book or sign up for mentoring or coaching sessions by sending me a note via the contact form.  Visit today!

How to be More Self-Disciplined

30 Day Weight Loss & Fitness Challenge – Update #2

My 30 day challenge is off to a great start!  I think if anything, I may be overdoing it just a bit as I am pretty worn out and think I might throttle back just a little with the physical activity over the next few days.   Continue reading “30 Day Weight Loss & Fitness Challenge – Update #2”

30 Day Weight Loss & Fitness Challenge – Update #2

How to Change Bad Habits Fast and Easy!

Are you a slave to bad habits?  Have people close to you pointed out certain behaviors that you have that are counter-productive?  In this blog post, we will take a look at habits and hopefully give you a new perspective on them, and more importantly equip you to know how to overcome bad habits that are holding you back in life! Continue reading “How to Change Bad Habits Fast and Easy!”

How to Change Bad Habits Fast and Easy!

No Excuses Weight Loss Challenge

It has long been my mission to encourage, motivate and inspire people everywhere.  I have faced and overcome so many huge life challenges such as: blindness, cancer, heart problems, massive debt and so much more.  I have come to the conclusion that it is now time for me to take on and overcome another huge challenge.  It is time for me to finally set and reach a weight loss and fitness goal for myself. Continue reading “No Excuses Weight Loss Challenge”

No Excuses Weight Loss Challenge

The Power of Persistence

Are you finding that you are not getting where you want to be in business or in life in general?  If you seem to be in a rut and you are not currently experiencing the results you want, I encourage you to keep going!  Don’t give up!  The difference between those who achieve their goals and those who do not is often found in the presence of, or lack of Continue reading “The Power of Persistence”

The Power of Persistence

Bringing it Back!


Pardon my long absence!  Needless to say, I am bringing “Throttle Up!” back!

First I have missed writing for this blog and have been wanting to come back, but have waited until I was certain everything else was ready and ready to go.  Allow me to update you on a few things.  My website, is all new!  There you will find my twitter and facebook feeds on the homepage.  You will also find a video page with links to my highlighted videos along with a link to my YouTube subscribe video and link.  There is now a “blogs” page with links not only to this blog, but my newest blog, “Messiah In Sight.”  There is also a new and improved “books” page which has links to both my books in ebook and paperback format from Amazon and a link to my Barnes & Noble online page where you can find both ebooks.

This past week was spent in Florida where my family and I built a vacation around my latest TV appearance for my book, “The Excuse Assassin.”  This program will air at 10am on Tuesday August 23 on CTN… Dish Network channel 267 and Direct TV channel 376.  Later in the week, I will likely also add the interview to my YouTube channel.

Did I mention the new facebook fan page?  I highly encourage you to join the community and give it a “Like”

These are only a few of the high points that have happened since I last posted here.  Big things are happening and I am excited to revive this blog!

Be on the look out for new content coming this week!

Bringing it Back!

A Thanksgiving Gift for you!


Thanksgiving week I’m going to give you something else to be thankful for!!  Monday Nov 24-28 you can download a FREE ebook copy of my first book… “Power in PERSEVERANCE.”


Yes, for these five days you can get it absolutely FREE, and there are no strings attached.  I only ask you kindly to leave a nice review once you have finished it.  To get it simply go to


Feel free to tell your friends to get their copy as well.  Looking forward to hearing how you enjoyed it.


Have a blessed thanksgiving!

A Thanksgiving Gift for you!

A Great Gift Idea!

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Say kids, what time is it?  That’s right, it’s almost Christmas!

It is hard to believe we are on the doorstep to another round of holidays!  Well, I just wanted to share a great gift idea with you.  As you likely know by now both my books, “Power In Perseverance,” and “The Excuse Assassin” are available  in both ebook and paperback versions.  Both are highly inspirational and life changing to say the least.  I thought it may be a nice touch this year, to offer the paperback versions especially for the upcoming season.

What will make them extra special, is I will provide a specific email link that you can send a request for one or both of my books.  I will offer individualized, signed copies!

Simply send me a request email to and put “Christmas” in the subject line.  Let me know the exact title you want, along with the person to whom you want it addressed.

It’s simple as that!

For either title, I will send an invoice back to you via Square, so you can pay securely online for your order.  Individual book will be $14, which includes shipping and handling.  Or, if you wish to purchase both copies, you can get both signed and in your hands in plenty of time for wrapping for only $20!  And yes, the shipping and handling are included.

I look forward to helping you make someone’s holiday a special, and life changing day!

A Great Gift Idea!

2 New Homes… One Great Month


What an amazing past 30 days in my life!

Not only did I get to move my family to a great new house, which is feeling more and more like home everyday as we get unpacked and settled in, but, I also have a new home in my business life!

After much thought and deliberation I decided to take things in a bit of a different, but obvious new direction.  You will find that as of today I have a brand new website, hot off the presses!

The new site highlights me, not only as an author, but as a motivational speaker and life coach as well.  These are all things I have been doing for years, but finally decided to cut out all the media work I had been doing at the same time.  Hopefully, the streamlining of services I offer will bring more clarity to who I am and what I have to offer the world!

I invite you to visit the site and read the bio info, see the photos and watch the videos.  If you are so inclined, I invite you to sign up for a free coaching consultation with me.  You are also invited to sign up, free of charge, and become a member!  Membership allows you access to an exclusive, members-only blog, monthly newsletter, live web events, discounts and more!

Quite frankly, I do not know why you would not take full advantage of all that I am offering.  Free is a beautiful thing.  If all you ever do is avail yourself of the free aspects of my site, that is ok.  You will reap immense value and bring improvements to your life, family and business.  I will reap the benefits of knowing I am making a difference in your life.  Should you choose to go deeper beyond that and pursue life coaching sessions, the benefits to you will be enormous!  If you are in a position to invite me to speak for your company, non-profit organization, church or other organization, you will be thrilled with the increased morale, productivity and attitude that you will wonder why you didn’t find me sooner!

Enough talk, it’s time to act!  Visit the all new website at See you there!

2 New Homes… One Great Month